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NRCS Cross Lake Watershed National Water Quality Initiative Project


In 2019, the Cross Lake, Daigle Brook, and Dickey Brook watersheds were selected for a 10-year NRCS National Water Quality Initiative (NWQI) conservation project. 

The project’s first four year (2020-2023) and 10-year goals are described in the December 2019 Cross Lake Watershed Assessment, National Water Quality Initiative Assessment of Cross Lake Direct, Daigle and Dickey Brook Watersheds

The NRCS Cross Lake Watershed NWQI is an integral and important part of FOCL’s 10-year (2021-2031) Cross Lake Watershed-Based Management Plan (WBMP). As stated in the December 2019 NWQI Cross Lake Watershed Assessment, the 2020-2023 phosphorus load reduction estimates from agriculture are 555 kg/yr and a 10-year effort could potentially lead to phosphorus reductions of 907 kg/yr from the agricultural sector, which aligns with the WBMP 10-year phosphorus load reduction goal.

The financial assistance made available to farmers (not including their share) for conservation practices during the initial 2020-2023 NWQI period was $1,297,713 in federal Farm Bill funds, which translates to 17 producers, 17 contracts and 327 practices on 2,406.08 acres. 

In 2024, $505,108 in NWQI funding was provided to eight producers with 10 contracts for such conservation practices as grassed and lined waterways and six sediment basins. Financial assistance should continue to be made available to watershed farmers through NRCS NWQI federal funds for at least five more years, and in the following years through NRCS’s continuing Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and other programs.

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