Zebra Mussels are making their way towards Cross Lake, and we need you to help identify and prevent them from infesting our lake. Zebra mussels have been found only 30 miles from Cross Lake on the Madawaska River Dam in Edmundston, NB which outlets to the St. John River. Zebra mussels are almost impossible to remove once established, and Cross Lake is “Priority Waters” for zebra mussels, which would destroy our beautiful lake, as they outcompete every other aquatic animal (including fish) for food!

On July 2, 2024, FOCL helped Dakota Stankowski of the Maine IF&W collect water samples from the public boat launch and Mud Lake Thoroughfare outlet for zebra mussel environmental DNA (e-DNA). We also installed a zebra mussel settling plate on the public boat dock and are checking it biweekly for evidence of zebra mussels.

You can help by following the CLEAN, DRAIN, & DRY procedures when moving your boat from one waterbody to another! The Infested Lakes Brochure shows the currently known infested lakes in Maine and explains the very easy CLEAN, DRAIN, DRY process. This brochure was also included in FOCL’s Welcome Packet.
