In October 2023, Irving Woodlands, LLC submitted a Site Location of Development Act (SLODA) Permit Application to the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to develop a 17-lot subdivision in the “Cross Lake A” development area west of West Side Road and Shoreline Drive on the northwest side of Cross Lake. The 17 lots will be leased from Irving, as are most of the existing camp lots on Cross Lake. The application was revised in February 2024 and resubmitted, but has not yet been approved by DEP. Land applications and permits that are currently pending before the DEP (including this subdivision application) can be found through this link, but it does not include any specific information regarding the application: https://www.maine.gov/dep/gis/datamaps/LAWB_Permits/index.html.
Because the subdivision is in the unorganized territory of Cross Lake TWP, the Maine Land Use Planning Commission (LUPC) must certify that the subdivision complies with all applicable LUPC standards not otherwise addressed by DEP’s review. Links to all of the pertinent information about LUPC’s certification of the application can be found here https://www.maine.gov/dacf/lupc/projects/site_law_certification/slc19a/slc19a.html. LUPC has not yet certified the application complies with all applicable LUPC standards.
The Cross Lake A residential development area is one of five areas zoned for residential development around Cross Lake in Irving’s Fish River Chain of Lakes Concept Plan, approved by LUPC in September 2019.

Links to all of the information regarding LUPC’s proceedings concerning the Concept Plan can be found here: https://www.maine.gov/dacf/lupc/plans_maps_data/resourceplans/fishriverlakes_prp015.html,
including a link to the approved Concept Plan itself: https://www.maine.gov/dacf/lupc/plans_maps_data/resourceplans/fishriverlakes/concept_plan/FishRiverChainofLakesConceptPlan_September262019.pdf.